Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We are ALL beautiful in HIS sight!

"I have nothing fancy to wear"
"They will look down on me because of my tatoos"
"I have done some horrible things in my past"
"I dont deserve love"
"When people find out where I have been and what i have done, they will not accept me"  

These are just some things i have heard over the past year. Women who want to change, who want something more for their lives, but are afraid. They aren't afraid of changing, they are afraid of the people in the church and what they will think. Seriously?? I thought that the church, the living breathing body of Christ is where people should be able to find the unconditional love and acceptance that Christ gives. Christ did not look down on anyone who came to Him. Regardless of a persons past, where they had been, what they had done......He gave them all the same love. Christ offered the same forgiveness to every person who asked regardless of the crime committed. He healed all of those who had faith, not worrying about where they were last Friday night. Christ calls us to be like Him. To not worry about the details of a persons past or appearance, but to show them love and to show them Christ.
I think we women are the worst. We are always looking each other up and down, critiquing outfits, hairstyles, makeup, shoes, etc. We are always trying to spread the latest gossip we heard about someone else. We love to tear everyone around us down. We dont wanna offer forgiveness to someone else, because that might cause us to have to change something about ourselves. We dont want to befriend someone in need because of the stigma that might be attached to them. We are too worried about what others will think about and say about us, to really look at the needs around us.
WAKE UP!! We are ALL children of GOD, each and every person on this planet was created by HIM. We all are loved by HIM and are offered the same forgiveness. On top of that, we are ALL SINNERS!!! **gasp** **shock** Yes i said we are all sinners. I'm a sinner, you're a sinner, we are ALL sinners. There is no denying that. And the cool thing, in GOD's eyes, we are all one is labeled a "Big sinner" or a "Lil sinner" or a "Part time Sinner" We are all on the same playing field, regardless of the sins we commit. Who are we to put levels to a persons sin and try to judge them on it. Matthew 7:3 says "Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye but don't notice the log in your own eye?" We are all making mistakes EVERY day. We lie, we gossip, we think nasty thoughts about those we come in contact with, we dont obey instruction God has given us, we covet the nice things people around us have.....the list goes on......we have committed adultery, we have murdered, we have been drunk, we have used drugs, we have been addicted to pain pills, etc. All of those things and the many more not listed.....are sins. It doesn't matter how we disobey GOD, if we sin, we sin. There are no levels, no rating system that says a person who has an addiction is worse than someone who lies. Nothing that reads a person who lies is more deserving of love than someone who has committed adultery. We really need to get to a point where we start loving people where they are at. Welcoming those who want to know more about Christ. Stop condemning those who enter the church building because of the way they look or the things they have done that we don't like. Start loving on each and every person who we meet because Christ loves us. We need to start looking at others as our equal, our brother or sister in Christ. God is our father, we are His children. He loves each and every one of us, flaws and all. He will judge our hearts and our actions. He alone is responsible for determining a persons salvation. We are simply called to love, to teach, to disciple. If you are the one judging every person who crosses the threshold of the church.....stop it. Look at each person as a child of GOD,  as an opportunity to make a difference, as an opportunity to show the love of Christ, to make a new friend, to impact the Kingdom. If you are the one afraid to come to the church because you think you have too many faults.......stop it. You are beautiful in HIS sight. He created you special and He loves you despite all your flaws. Come to Him and He will make you new. Come to Him just as you are and allow Him to build you up. Serve Him and allow Him to use you to impact others lives for Him.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Thank you for your obedience. I agree wholeheartedly--not because I always get it right, but because you are speaking truth that we all need DAILY, because we do need the purifying blood of Jesus daily.......because none of us have ever lived a perfect day and we won't while we're in this life.
